Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
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Who We Are

CEMAR's mission

CEMAR’s mission is to rehabilitate California’s coastal streams. We pursue this mission at the scale of local and regional watersheds– the land area drained by a stream or stream system. Working with landowners and managers, local community members, all levels of government, and other non-governmental organizations, CEMAR scientists develop durable solutions to improve and conserve streamflow by addressing water supply reliability and habitat degradation. CEMAR projects demonstrate that when stakeholders work together from a foundation of scientific information, our coastal streams can meet the needs of people and fish.

Our approach

CEMAR is committed to the use of scientific information for the sustainable management of ecosystems for future generations. Our approach to ecosystem management is to develop and implement policies and actions that recognize the interconnectedness of the natural world where society's political and management boundaries are irrelevant. CEMAR does this by applying science in a collaborative and inclusive approach. In essence, we are leading communities through their own process of scientific discovery by assisting with the identification and testing of critical questions. While such efforts take time, they create products that are both scientifically credible and politically legitimate, an essential combination for producing meaningful change

Our programs

To promote healthy coastal watersheds, CEMAR works in four program areas:  steelhead trout restoration, conservation hydrology, and ecological indicators. CEMAR has produced authoritative publications that are used by government agencies, private companies, and restoration advocates.

CEMAR was founded in 2000 and is located in Oakland, California. CEMAR is a California public benefit corporation. Donations to support our programs are fully tax-deductible.

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CEMAR: Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
Pursuing innovative, collaborative approaches to restore California's coastal ecosystems.

Email: questions "at" cemar "dot" org