Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
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What We Do > Steelhead > SF Bay Area

Salmon/Steelhead in the Bay Area

CEMAR has worked to develop an authoritative technical foundation for planning the restoration of steelhead trout in the San Franciso Bay Area. This scientific information is available in our widely-acclaimed report Historical Distribution and Current Status of Steelhead/Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Streams of the San Francisco Estuary, California.. See also, more information about the report.

San Franciso Bay Area CEMAR's work on salmonids in the San Francisco Bay area also produced the authoritative account of coho salmon in the region, which was published the scientific journal of the California Department of Fish and Game (more information can be found at Bay Area Coho Salmon.)

Using this foundation of technical information, CEMAR has recently prepared the first assessment of the potential for Bay Area watersheds to sustain steelhead populations. Prepared with support from the California State Coastal Conservancy, the goal of this analysis is to assist Conservancy staff make the most efficient use of public funds targeted for steelhead restoration. This assessment (San Francisco Estuary Watersheds Evaluation: Identifying Promising Locations for Steelhead Restoration in Tributaries of the San Francisco Estuary) has been extensively reviewed by local and regional experts and is now available.

CEMAR is embarking on a project to produce engineering designs and cost estimates to modify four key barriers to fish migration in the Bay Area. To learn more, visit the Estuary Passage Improvement Program initiative.

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CEMAR: Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
Pursuing innovative, collaborative approaches to restore California's coastal ecosystems.

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