Conservation Hydrology
You can't live in California without being aware of conflicts around water. Many people assume that if we're going to restore streams and their aquatic life, humans are going to have to do with less water for our farms and our homes.
CEMAR's conservation hydrology program is demonstrating that there is enough water for people and the environment.
By using scientific methods to understand the natural flow regime of California's streams, and how the flora and fauna of our region have evolved with natural variations, we are discovering that humans can obtain water for our homes and farms while minimizing ecological impacts.
Our quantitative methods use actual
measurements of streamflow
in combination with
watershed-scale models
to characterize natural flow regimes and the deviations caused by present water management practices. We are then in a position to show how altered management practices can provide water for residential and agricultural users while greatly reducing the impacts to our streams and aquatic life.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
recently acknowledged our efforts by asking CEMAR to lead the
Russian River Coho Salmon Water Resources Partnership,
an innovative program to save these fish from the brink of extinction. Working with landowners, scientists, and all levels of government, this program will change water management practices, restore habitat, and augment the coho population with carefully bred young salmon to re-establish a sustainable run in the watershed.
With funding from the California State Coastal Conservancy, CEMAR is also working with
Trout Unlimited
on the
California Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project
(CSSP). Like the Russian River Partnership, the CSSP works with local partners to find innovative solutions to water management practices.
For more information on this program please contact Mia Van Docto of Trout Unlimited at MiaVanDocto 'at' tu 'dot' org |