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What We Do > Steelhead > Alameda Creek > Reports

Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup

Reports & Documents

(Current documents and Workgroup minutes can be found here.
Please consult the AC Archive for earlier materials.)

Workgroup meeting summaries:

Consult the AC Archive for earlier summaries.

A number of reports have been produced by and for the Workgroup related to steelhead and steelhead habitat in recent years, These include:

Phase 1:

January 2008 Final Report for Phase 1 of MOU:

Sara Kupferberg and her colleagues have made their recent report:
Pulsed Flow Effects on the Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii): Integration of Empirical, Experimental, and Hydrodynamic Modeling Approaches) (4.2 MB, 194 pages) available to the Subcommittee.

Phase 2:

The final version of the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Flow Studies (3 MB), was approved by the Subcommittee on December 4, 2008.

The final version of the Water Temperature Technical Memorandum (638k) is now available. This document summarizes issues related to defining steelhead habitat based upon temperature, and provides guidance for predicting future habitat from model output.

The Spawner Risk Assessment model, also called the ‘ascendograph’, evaluated effects of potential migration delay on steelhead spawning success. The 2011 technical memo summarizes how the model works, describes its inputs, and applies it to unregulated and regulated streamflows in Alameda Creek.

The 2012 Life History Tactics Study developed two analytical methods: 1) the Number of Good Days (NGD) Analysis for juvenile steelhead rearing and 2) a bioenergetics model for evaluating steelhead Smolt to Adult Return. The study evaluated annual hydrographs, thermographs, and streamflow-habitat abundance rating curves to inform instream flows needs for steelhead in upper Alameda Creek.

The 2012 Hydrology Memo was co-authored by McBain & Trush, SFPUC and ACWD, and first developed a model to estimate daily average flows under various management scenarios. The study then used the HEC-RAS model to predict water temperatures over the 1996-2009 time period.

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